
Greg Climenhaga, Retired Social Worker from Ontario, Canada

I volunteered for EEF with my friend and colleague from a hospital in Ontario, Canada, where we had both recently retired. This was a wonderful experience volunteering in the Ethiopian Education Foundation hostel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  The EEF staff made us feel so welcome and were very helpful in assisting with adapting to the culture...

Al Boogard, Ontario, Canada

"My visit to Ethiopia began as a dream several years ago, something to expand my life experience after retirement.  I could not have begun to imagine how life changing my time at the Ethiopian Education Foundation (EEF) hostel would be. From the moment my friend Greg and I arrived at the Bole airport in Addis Ababa,...

Another EEF doctor to be proud of

Frehiwot joined eef in 2009. Her parents and sisters live in the Ethiopian countryside far away from Addis and far away from any schools. Frehiwot was lucky enough that her grandmother took her under her wings when she was 10 years old. She brought her to Addis Ababa which is where we met Frehiwot when...

Danyeh Gutema EEF volunteer

Danyeh Gutema, 20, Engineering student at Cornell University, USA

My time with the Ethiopian Education Foundation has been a life-changing experience that words can barely begin to explain. The staff at Iko Poran and EEF worked diligently to ensure everything ran as smoothly as possible. The students of EEF are the most amazing part, all with golden hearts. They made me feel welcomed and part...

Yun, Geun, and Sangweon, South Korea

"It was a unique experience interacting with students from such different settings to where we are from. This part of the trip (around the world) we are sure will be the most memorable as we felt that we have been able to contribute something”   “It was different to what I expected – I thought, being Africa,...

19 medical doctors between 2005 and 2019

After 15 years of operation (we started EEF in December 2014)vwe have supported 235 youngsters in Ethiopia. 123 students have already graduated from university with degrees, 19 of them have become fully qualified medical doctors working in hospitals across Ethiopia (November 2019). You can see full statistics here. If you believe, like we do, that education is...

The Habtamu family

Fekadu Habtamu was one of our first ever students. This was his profile in 2005: Fekadu’s parents are farmers who live away from Addis Ababa. Fekadu has nine brothers and sisters and his parents are unable to support all of their children. The family lives in a grass-covered hut with no window. Space is so cramped that...